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Health Auric Omega 3,6,9 Capsules

Sold By: Stardust Confectionery
£ 8 (incl. of all taxes) Save 1
MRP: £ 9
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key highlights

1. Great supplement for vegetarians.

2. Health Auric uses premium grade flaxseeds.

3. Reduce Hearth Attack Risk.

4. Cancel Protection.

5. Balance Harmones.

6. Helps to balance the pro-inflammatory effects of the typical Indian diet.

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Detailed Features

If you do not like the idea of consuming the flaxseeds or flaxseed oil straight out of a jar, Health Aurics Omega 3,6,9 Flaxseed Oil Capsule is a convenient way to conceal its oily taste, enjoy health benefits but Importantly, making it easy to swallow. Flaxseed oil is a rich source of omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids that effectively support joint health, maintain healthy blood sugar levels cholesterol, and promote fat metabolism that contributes to weight management. It also aids in maintaining a healthy mood and stress levels and supports hormonal balance.

Health Auric
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